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Tuition Reduction Plan

Independent schools, colleges, and universities have been on a path for some time with a financial model that is not sustainable or accessible. If we really want to reach more families and make impactful change, we have to think differently.

Danielle Heard, Head of School

According to the National Association of Independent Schools, over the last ten years, the average tuition at independent day schools has risen 54%. During the same time period, the U.S. Census Bureau indicates median household incomes have risen only 38%. The disconnect between rising tuition rates and family income correlates with college education increases and has made private schools increasingly beyond reach for most families. While financial aid budgets have also increased notably during this time, in many cases they have not kept pace with the increasing disparities. With the reVision Tuition Plan, Nashoba Brooks is one of the first independent schools in New England to think innovatively about the traditional financial model in order to reduce tuition costs.

The reVision Tuition Plan is the result of careful analysis and discussion on the part of the Board of Trustees to implement the School’s Strategic Directions launched in 2014. Over the past several years, we have committed to assessing our financial model with a focus on creating Inspired Education through innovation, inclusivity, and impact. As one of the key strategic imperatives of this plan, Nashoba Brooks School is committed to building a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive community by expanding our outreach and making the School more accessible and affordable for families who are a strong fit for our program. 

Starting in the fall of 2021, the new tuition plan provides three years of visibility into annual tuition costs for Nashoba Brooks families. Over a three-year time frame, Nashoba Brooks is reducing tuition by an average of 5% each year for an average total reduction of 15%. The chart below shows the previous tuition trajectory in red and the new model in blue:
The net impact of these changes is that the average tuition amount in 2023-2024 will be almost $9500 less than it would have been if the School retained its previous financial model and executed typical annual tuition increases of approximately 3.5%. 

This plan is a culmination of years of research and conversations that reflect Nashoba Brooks School’s mission. We have factored the evolving economic environment into our decisions, and decided that now, more than ever, is a critical moment to implement this new financial model. We have a healthy endowment, strong campus development, and, of course, an incredible community of dedicated employees, parents, and students.
We often ask our students to look around them and to think about social needs and how they can create an impact. It is important that our School leadership be a model for our students by thinking critically about what our community needs at large, by taking a stance and helping to create change.

Jevan Jammal, Director of Development

List of 6 frequently asked questions.

  • What is the reVision Tuition Plan?

    The reVision Tuition Plan is an important milestone in Nashoba Brooks School's strategic directions that reflects the School's longstanding commitment to creating accessible, sustainable, and inspired edcuation through innovation, inclusivity, and impact. Recognizing the historical trend and compounding impact of independent school tuition growth outpacing income growth, Nashoba Brooks launched the reVision Tuition Plan in 2020. Following years of planning and preparation, the Board of Trustees committed to reducing tuition by an average of 5% each year for three years, for a total average reduction of 15%. The net impact of these changes is that the average tuition in 2023-2024 will be approximately $9,500 less than it would have been if the School continued typical annual tuition increases of approximately 3.5%.
  • Who will benefit from the reVision Tuition Plan?

    The entire Nashoba Brooks community of current and future students, families, and employees benefit from this plan. By establishing a more accessible and sustainable price point, we are able to ensure that families who are a good match for Nashoba Brooks are able to attend, contribute to the strength of our community, and plan effectively for the future.
  • Why did Nashoba decide to do this? Why now?

    After years of planning and preparation, several factors led us to believe that this is the right time to move forward: a strong financial foundation (healthy endowment growth, expanding non-tuition revenue sources, etc.); excellent infrastructure to sustain an enhanced academic program, especially with the support of The Campaign for Our Future (flex classrooms, Shilling STEAM Lab, Sureau Family Discovery Barn); a proven track record in launching and successfully implementing innovative initiatives; a talented, dedicated, and creative group of teachers. This strategy reflects our School's mission, strategic directions, and core values.
  • How will the tuition reduction plan affect financial assistance?

    Nashoba Brooks continues our commitment to providing need based financial assistance to families who qualify. Visit our Tuition and Financial Assistance page to find our more about the broad range of families our program serves.
  • When did planning for the tuition reduction plan begin and when will it end?

    In 2014, Nashoba Brooks launched our Strategic Directions with a commitment to creating Inspired Education through innovation, inclusivity, and impact. The reVision Tuition Plan was launched in 2021 as a part of moving these strategic goals forward. The plan institutes average reductions in tuition of 5% each year for the 2021-2022, 2022-2023, and 2023-2024 academic years. The School has also committed to maintain its new financial model with modest tuition increases moving forward in order to sustain the impact of the of tuition reduction plan for years to come.
  • What are the goals of the tuition reduction plan?

    The goal of the reVision Tuition Plan is to create a sustainable financial model that supports program strength, inspires outstanding employees, and makes a Nashoba Brooks education more accessible to families across the socioeconomic spectrum. This strategy aligns with our School's mission, embodies our strategic directions, and reflects our core values.
Situated on a beautiful 30-acre campus in historic Concord, Massachusetts, Nashoba Brooks School enrolls all genders in Preschool through Grade 3, and students identifying as girls in Grades 4 through 8. Nashoba Brooks is an independent school designed to build community, character, and confidence in its students.
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